lørdag 24. januar 2009

Tomorrows project



Urban rail mission using public transportation!

Although none of us has a car, we still have to get some rails done!
So what do we do?
Use public transportation!
We hit 3 different rails today, only using public transportation!
We went by undeground to the first one (pretty hillarious with a dolly, video equipment and all our skigear!), a lip c rail wich worked out awsome! Then we took the underground one stop futher and hit half of a really long down rail wich wasn't that cool, so we ditched it after a few tries. Then we walked more than 1km (3000 feet, still with all our gear) to a mellow, terrain-park like, down rail, wich would have been sweet aswell! But then, of course, we got thrown out by some pretty angry old man..
Gonna be hittin a 4 kink, über skecthy rail tomorrow, it will probably be pretty intresting!

fredag 23. januar 2009


When there's snow, you've got to take good use of it!
So we did some urbans yesterday, thursday 22.
With us we had a guy called Karl Martin Forbord, check out the pictures on our facebook group: http://www.facebook.com/photo_search.php?oid=37469427913&view=user#/group.php?gid=37469427913&ref=ts

søndag 18. januar 2009


Right now it's DUMPING outside!
It sorta ruined any chance of getting a lot of good shots with our new dolly this weekend, but hopefully, with this snow, we'll have lot's of oppurtunities next weekend!

onsdag 14. januar 2009


Edit from the Sprite Zero Comp

The edit from the comp you can read about in our second blogpost in the history, is now online!
Check it out: http://newschoolers.com/web/content/videos/id/237522/member_id/90582/

Injuries Update

Thought I'd just give you a little update on the injury situation on our team.
Right now Nicholas Sullivan is out with jumpers knee, and probably won't get to ski anything before easter...
Eskild Rødsten (The Doubleflip Man) and Henrik Kjølmoen have both been injured for quite a while, but both of them are to be skiing again soon!

mandag 12. januar 2009

You can't stomp everything

Allthough it may not seem so in our webisodes, things often fail.
Just take a look at this:

søndag 11. januar 2009

New webisode and a little Tryvann update

As you all hopefully know, we've released our new webisode!
Check it out and rate if you like it! http://newschoolers.com/web/content/videos/id/236463/

We also cruised a little in Tryvann today, but the weather was terrible..
Not really getting as many shots as I would like to this month!
But on the bright side, the park was really good, and hopefully the weather will be with us next weekend, because then we're going to do some filming there and the big jump is gonna be open!

lørdag 10. januar 2009

Sprite Zero Open Big Air

Soo, today we spent 8 hours in a bus, so that we could go to Sprite Zero Open Big Air and back in one day...
Was it worth it?
When we arrived, it tourned out that there wouldn't be a one and a half hour jam for practice and qualifications like we were promised, but just a really short practice and then two final runs where the best one would count. So everybody was a bit stressed out, and someone didn't even get to hit the jump once before the contest. But still, people trew down, and in the end, our good friend, Jens Gunhildrud, took the victory, and won a new phone and a snowboard (wtf???). He was super stoked, since it was his first contest win ever!

After the contest we cruised the park, but there wasn't really any good light, or enough speed to hit the biggest jump safely, so not sure what I will be doing with that footage. Maybe a blog edit?
But at least there will be a mini-edit from the comp releasing shortly.

In the end it tourned out to be a good day, with some fun shredding and eight hours in a very hot bus, wich was actually pretty entetaining!
Maybe not so strange when your traveling with 15 hillarious idiots!

torsdag 8. januar 2009

We've got a blog now! Like everybody else...

So, we've just released our new blog, following everybody else I guess...
Here we'll not only keep you updated on what we're doing, we'll maybe even upload a little videoclip or a an edit with shots that aren't good enough for the webisodes, like night time shredding for example. 
This will be updated quite a bit, so stay tuned!